Omega 3 and Its Uses

March 4, 2021

Omega 3 and Its Uses


The increasing trend of using omega 3 fatty acids these days in the diet as well as consumption of fish oils has been shown to have proven benefits on health.

People are keen on consuming more omega 3 fatty acids in the form of food or supplements because of their amazing benefits to the body.


What is Omega 3?

Omega 3 is a part of the polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFA.

They are divided into three types –

  • ALA- Alpha linoleic acid
  • EPA – Eicosapentaenoic acid
  • DHA- Docosahexaenoic acid

 ALA is found mostly in plant oils while the other two are found in fish

Our body lacks the ability to produce omega 3 fatty acids and hence the only way to enrich our bodies with the same is through diet and supplements.


Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids


1) Keeps Hair, Nails, and Skin Health in Check.

Our hair, skin, and nails are subjected to harsh chemicals and environments each day which makes them dry and susceptible to damage.

Although we use lots of expensive creams, lotions, and shampoos to restore the health of our hair, skin, and nails – a far more natural and inexpensive way of doing it by adding omega 3 fatty acids to the diet.

Omega 3 fatty acids are known to prevent inflammation and can hence help in curing inflammation caused due to scars in the skin, it also helps regulate oil production in the hair follicles as well as on the skin and helps brittle nails get stronger.




2) Boost Up Brain Functioning

Omega 3 fatty acids are said to give the nervous system and the brain a boost. They help in improving the cognitive functions of the brain and keep the brain cells fuelled.

Children, students, and elders need to have their brains energized at all times. Studies have shown that people who consume omega 3 fatty acids have more focus and concentration than those who don’t.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also known to slow down and decrease the risk of dementia in the geriatric crowd.

People or children suffering from ADHD have also been shown to have positive effects on the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids.


3) Help Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Researches and studies have revealed that omega 3 fatty acids are a very efficient way to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and arrhythmias.

They are also known to prevent excessive absorption of the bad cholesterol in the body, which in turn increases cardiovascular health.

Omega 3 acids also help lower blood pressure, protect from arterial and venous blockages, and helps in avoiding unnecessary clotting of the blood vessels.





4) Help in Keeping the Eyes Healthy

Omega 3 fatty acids help improve vision and make the eyes stronger.

Omega 3 fatty acids are responsible for the lubrication of the retina as well as help in keeping inflammation around the eyes at bay. This greatly reduces the risk of one of the most common problems – macular degeneration.

People who have jobs that demand sitting in front of electronic devices for hours must incorporate omega 3 fatty acids in their diet.

Children and old people who seem to have weak eyesight or progressive eye problems are also advised to start taking omega 3 fatty acids as a treatment measure.




5) Aids Sleep

Omega 3 Fatty acids will help you get that good night’s sleep.

The decrease in omega 3 fatty acids in the body is shown to be linked with a decrease in the body’s sleep hormone – melatonin.

To keep the melatonin levels in the body in check, one must have proper amounts of omega 3 acids in their body.

Consumption of omega 3 acids has been shown to improve sleep in many children and adults.



6) Help Prevention of Cancers

Omega 3 fatty acids help in getting rid of carcinogens from the body and also stop the cells from mutating abnormally.

Omega 3 fatty acids help in getting rid of carcinogens from the body and also stop the cells from mutating abnormally.

Carcinogens are cancer-causing agents that cause the formation of cancer tumors.

Omega-three has been proven to significantly decrease the risk of cancer if consumed regularly.


Foods Rich in Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in many natural foods and food products.

Those foods include Oysters, walnuts, seaweed, algae, chia seeds, herring, hemp seeds, kidney beans, salmon, and many other kinds of seafood.

Supplements for omega 3 fatty acids include – krill oil, cod liver oil, alga oil.


 The Bottomline

Omega 3 fatty acids, like any other nutrient, need to be incorporated into the diet so that we get all its benefits and to decrease any chances of deficiency or deficiency-related symptoms like rashes or any other skin conditions.

It is ideal to follow the dietary recommendation of omega 3 fatty acids according to your age and sex.

  As we know it is always essential to have a balanced diet. If you think you have been missing out on omega 3 fatty acids in your diet, make sure to add them now.

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